The Peak Connoisseurs is fully committed to a quality service in wines & spirits. A comprehensive collection is available in all our outlets in Bandung and Jakarta. Enjoy our quick and easy free delivery service, just email, sms or call our customer service : 081572277410 between 09 am to 11 pm every day. We constantly manage the best price for you, please note that all our outlets in Bandung or Jakarta have the same price.
Kedai Nyonya Rumah
Dago Heritage
Vue Palace
Kame Bakehouse
Transmart Bali
Private Lounge
We Deliver to Your Door Steps
Buy Online Now !Here's what the customers said about The Peak Connoisseurs.
"Good wine, Good Collection, Reasonable price"
"Fantastic Event I ever Had!"
"Koleksi wine premiumnya cukup lengkap."
"To build a shop is easy, but to keep the shop open is an art."